WHAT TO EXPECT In Firearm Basics
If you are new to firearms, this is the class for you! Start building your foundation for safety and knowledge about your new firearm with this one-hour introduction class.
After taking this class you will know the 4 rules of firearm safety. How to safely load and unload your firearm. How to store your firearms safely and in accordance with local laws. The basic functions of your personal firearm, and how to field strip and clean your firearm.
This is a hands-on class, utilizing both your firearm and training firearms for instruction. This is not a shooting class. This class is a perfect primer for new firearm owners before taking a basic handgun class, basic carbine class, or Concealed Carry Class.
Add a Real Avid Universal Master Cleaning Station to you registration and save 15% on your cleaning kit.
Class is held at Black Flag Armory from 5:30 – 6:30pm on Wednesday nights. Pre-registration is required.
what to bring
Bring your new firearm, a notebook or your favorite note-taking device, and a readiness to learn
In this class you will learn five key things.
- The four rules of firearm safety
- Safely loading & unloading your firearm
- Safe storage of your firearm
- The basics of how your firearm works
- How to field strip and clean your firearm